25-th September 2009 12:39:12 BST

In version 2.3 of FileTank, two wizards have been added which are designed to simplify the process of creating users/workspaces and then adding users to workspaces.

Using the wizard is the fastest way to add multiple users to a newly created workspace or add newly created ‘ordinary users’ to multiple workspaces. You can launch the wizards from the FileTank 'Home' page. Under the 'What do you want to do today' panel, select either the 'Create a user' or 'Create a workspace' links.

If you choose the ‘Create a User’ link, and are creating an ‘ordinary user’, you will start with creating the user (you can add him/her to a workspace in the next step). However, if the desired workspaces do not exist you can create them at this point without leaving the wizard and proceed with adding the user to them. Once you have completed each step you will receive the FileTank log-in details for this user.

If you choose the ‘Create a Workspace’ link, you will start by creating the new workspace and then add ordinary users to it. Again, if the desired ordinary users do not exist, you can create them at this point without leaving the wizard and continue with adding them to the workspace.
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